Projects | Darian

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The 132/11 kv Substation of Rag-e Sefid, and the 132 kV two-circuit line

Project type: EPCC

The 132/11 kV Substation of Rag-e Sefid, and the 132 kV two-circuit line, between the Isar 400/132 kV substation and Rag-e Sefid substation

In this project, Darian company is the contractor for reviewing and validating the basic design and performing all detailed designs, purchasing and supplying equipment needed for the packaging project, loading land and sea transportation, customs affairs and insurance clearance, and carrying out all construction, architectural, mechanical, installation, testing and commissioning works, delivery and guarantee during the warranty period and compliance with all safety, health, environmental issues, and supply of spare parts as EPCC for the construction of the 132/11 kV Substation of Rag-e Sefid and the construction of a 132 kV two-circuit line (three conductors in each phase), between the Isar 400/132 kV substation and Rag-e Sefid substation for 38 km.

Eployer :

Persian Gulf Bidboland Gas Refining Company

Start | End :

2021 | In progress